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Peter Corris: The Reward

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Cavendish and whoever suppressed the note?

I think so.

But that someone has a handle on what youve been doing.

Or on what youve been doing, Cliff. Think about how Bob can sneak into things. You use a mobile phone, and a fax machine, dont you?

Yeah, but…

Max shifted as a ray of sunlight hit us, dazzled him, and prevented him from seeing what I was saying.

Whats that?

Nothing, I said. Its confusing the way it always is for me.

Good. Youre in familiar territory. Ive had a word with Bob. Hes got some more information and some good ideas. I think you should listen to him.

I was conscious that I didnt have any very good ideas myself about how to question Peg Hawkins and Sligo beyond a vague notion of divide and rule. Bob was busy at his computer in a room off the kitchen. He shook one fist in the air while the other hand still worked at the keyboard.

What? I said.

Your Andrea Craig not infrequently called Peg Hawkins unlisted number.

Youre amazing, Bob.

I know, I know. Look, Ive dug up a couple of mobiles for you blokes to use.

Max cant use a phone.

Thats why Im going with him. One of the reasons. The other is to see Colin Sligo eating shit. Now this is what I reckon you should do.

Bob and Max set off in the Laser for Robina and I got a cab to The Esplanade where Satisfaction was located, along with Satin amp; Silk, Fun Girls and Good for You. It was a little early to go calling on a lady of the night but that can be the best time to catch one, before the hard shell slides into place and time becomes money in the most direct way. Prostitution is illegal in Queensland, but the authorities seemed to be turning a blind eye. Like any well-conducted brothel, Satisfaction put a couple of barriers up between it and people on the street. A small garden in front of the two-storey, white-painted building was screened off by latticework and when you were behind that you still had a security grille to get through before you got to the front door.

It was cool and shady in the garden with a strong scent of jasmine. I pushed the buzzer on the grille and got a recorded message: This is Satisfaction, an escort service and relaxation centre. If you wish to enter please press the buzzer twice. Then the message was repeated in what sounded like Japanese.

I pressed and the grille slid open. The front door opened as I approached and a slender blonde woman wearing a black lace wrap over a red silk teddy and red very high heels looked me up and down.

Good morning, sir, she said. Can I help you?

Yes, Id like to spend some time with one of your ladies.

Of course. Please come in. Im Amanda. As you see, Im a blonde, but if youd prefer a brunette or a redhead Im sure Chantelle or…

I kept moving past her and along the hall towards a huge mirror that noticeably slimmed me down. Amanda came after me, still chanting her spiel, swaying on the heels, maybe already sensing that something was wrong. She reached out, took my arm and tried to draw me towards her and her headily perfumed body that gave off only a slight tang of cigarette smoke and musk oil.

If youd like to wait in there, sir, on the left, we can talk a little more. Im afraid you cant just walk about. Our guests want privacy as Im sure you do…

Not breaking her hold and taking her other arm in a soft grip, I let her steer me into a small room which contained a bar, a couch and a TV set with a video playing. Two women, one black and one white, were to-and-froing on a bed, sharing a deeply-inserted double dildo and outdoing each other with their low moans.

Do you like that? Amanda said.

Not quite my scene. I want to see Peg Hawkins.

Im afraid

Theres nothing to be afraid of, I said. Just tell her Im a friend of Colin Sligo. You might mention that I knew Johnno pretty well and I also know Andrea Craig. Have you got all that?

She broke free and all the softness and lubriciousness went out of her. A copper, are you?

Worse, Amanda, something much worse. And tell Peg not to try and duck out because Ive got some people outside you ladies really wouldnt want to meet. You really wouldnt.

Weve got protection here.

Look, if Pegs in this room inside five minutes you wont need protection or anything like it. We talk, I go. If shes not, I guarantee youll be looking for another position and the wordll be out on you and it wont be easy to get something else this good. Now, be sensible.

What namell I say?

I looked at her and shook my head.

OK, Ill fetch her. Stay here, will you? Theres a fat Jap getting a blow job next door. If he sees you hell freak.

Three minutes, I said.

Peg was down in less than that. She wore a white linen sleeveless dress with a pleated front and skirt. She showed just enough cleavage to indicate how impressive the rest of her would be. She was still thin, about medium height in medium heels and her lightly tanned skin, blonde streaked hair and make-up were all designed to make her look cool, successful and no older than she had to. It worked. Peg Hawkins must have been well over forty and must have had some hard years, but they werent showing yet. She came into the room and more or less ignored me while she turned off the television and told Amanda to keep an eye on things.

Now, she said. Having succeeded in frightening young Amanda you can try me. Ill return the compliment. Ill give you five minutes and if you havent accounted for yourself by then youll be wishing you had.

I dont want to frighten you, Peg. I took out my PEA licence and showed it to her. I want to talk about Ramona Beckett, Johnno your late hubby, Colin Sligo, Amanda Neville or Craig people like that.

Shed been standing up, rather stagily, beside the TV and her face had worn a look of indifference. But the names hit her hard. She moved sideways and sat on the couch. Her mouth twitched and a few cracks appeared in the flawless makeup around her eyes.

Jesus, she said. After all this time.

It has been a while, I said.

Yeah. Make me a drink, will you? Vodka and tonic.

I went to the bar, mixed Smirnoff and lo-cal tonic water, added some ice cubes and handed it to her. I settled for the tonic and ice myself. She took a slug and settled back against the couch. Her hands, clutched around the glass, looked a little older than the rest of her.

Are you still getting a pay-off, Peg?

She nodded.

And Johnnos super?

Another nod.

The super doesnt have to stop and the Taxation Department doesnt need to know about the other money. You dont have to be charged with conspiracy to commit murder, money-laundering and all the other stuff. Not if you dont want to be.

You could be bluffing.

I drank, rattled the ice cubes. A colleague of mine is out at Robina talking to Colin right now. We know that Amanda Craig is on her way up here. Maybe she rang you from Kempsey after she got booked for speeding.

Stupid bitch!

An ex-cop named Barry White is dead and another named Leo Grogans in intensive care. I turned to show her my stitched ear. I got a bit of a hammering myself. Its all breaking open, Peg, and people are going to suffer. You could be one of them.

I dont know anything about dead coppers.

Maybe I believe you. Whether I do or dont wont matter if you tell me what I really want to know.

She sucked in a deep breath and the large breasts rose and fell eye-catchingly. She must have used the movement many times for her own ends but she wasnt doing anything like that now. She was just taking in oxygen, just buying time. And what the fucks that?

Who paid Johnno and Sligo and Andrea to suppress the kidnapping note after Ramona Beckett went missing?


Peg Hawkins bit her lip and got lipstick on her beautifully capped teeth. Her fingernails were long and painted a muted shade of red. She tapped them against the glass, then picked at them and some flakes of paint fell off. Any minute now shed put her hand up to her hair and disturb the carefully sprayed arrangement. I didnt want to see it. She was a handsome, well-presented women, and I didnt get any pleasure from seeing her come apart.

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