He had turned grave, but not graver than at the actual moment coming down. Indeed, he was simply coming down again, for her benefit and his own, without an ulterior trouble until Blanche took him up with a long face of her own.
"We've had a funeral here. I suppose you know?"
"Yes. I know."
Her chair creaked as she leaned forward with an enthusiastic solemnity that would have made her shriek if she had seen herself; but it had no such effect on Cazalet.
"I wonder who can have done it!"
"So do the police, and they don't look much like finding out!"
"It must have been for his watch and money, don't you think? And yet they say he had so many enemies!" Cazalet kept silence; but she thought he winced. "Of course it must have been the man who ran out of the drive," she concluded hastily. "Where were you when it happened, Sweep?"
Somewhat hoarsely he was recalling the Mediterranean movements of the Kaiser Fritz , when at the first mention of the vessel's name he was firmly heckled.
"Sweep, you don't mean to say you came by a German steamer?"
"I do. It was the first going, and why should I waste a week? Besides, you can generally get a cabin to yourself on the German line."
"So that's why you're here before the end of the month," said Blanche. "Well, I call it most unpatriotic; but the cabin to yourself was certainly some excuse."
"That reminds me!" he exclaimed. "I hadn't it to myself all the way; there was another fellow in with me from Genoa; and the last night on board it came out that he knew you!"
" Who can it have been?"
"Toye, his name was. Hilton Toye."
"An American man! Oh, but I know him very well," said Blanche in a tone both strained and cordial. "He's great fun, Mr. Toye, with his delightful Americanisms, and the perfectly delightful way he says them!"
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