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Deryn Lake: Death at the Wedding Feast

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The volatile Miss Meakin burst into tears and Geoffrey James lent her his handkerchief.

‘I too lost someone dear. My wife. She was a gossip and a fiercesome flirt, but she could be good company when she chose.’

John looked at him, relieved beyond measure that he had cured the poor man of his terrible problem and that his flatulence was now under control.

‘But what about the attempt to poison me?’ asked Felicity. ‘Why did they do that?’

The Apothecary replied. ‘Did you tell your mother about the couple you saw on the beach?’

‘Yes, I did.’

‘Then I can only presume that Miranda overheard you and decided she must silence you. How she got hold of the Water Hemlock I do not know. She presumably went out one evening before her midnight tryst and gathered some. It is the easiest poison in the world to use. It grows everywhere and it is just a question of recognizing it. When you pull it up its root is almost identical to a parsnip. Which is where I found four of them, mixed with the vegetables in the kitchens of Sidmouth House.’

‘But Mama could have eaten some! Or the servants!’

‘I can only think by that time Miranda had become a little crazed.’

‘If she was not crazed from the start,’ said Elizabeth. ‘I thought she was just a gushing little fool but I did not realize that that act hid a scheming and devious personality.’

‘But she was my cousin,’ poor Felicity cried out miserably.

Nobody answered, but Mr Perkins put his arm round her and comforted her in such a cheerful way that everybody felt much better for seeing them.

‘May I refill anyone’s glass?’ asked Tobias Miller.

There was a general chorus of affirmative replies, during which Sir Clovelly beckoned John to his side.

‘There’s one thing I can’t understand, and that is the attitude of Maurice. I always thought of him as a regular chap, a goodhearted soul. Can you throw any light on it? Do you think it was him who watched you in the darkness of your garden?’

John shook his head. ‘More probably George. He seemed to be the one to do the dirty work. As for Maurice, he always struck me as something of a cipher, a nonentity. I think that deep-down he would have been quite happy studying his books but then that state of mind came upon him which compelled him — like all mankind — to go to any lengths to achieve his objective. In other words, he fell in love.’

‘Ah ha, cherchez la femme, eh?’

‘Precisely, cherchez la femme.’

‘Even to the extent of killing his own grandfather?’

‘Yes. But what an evil creature the Earl was. Corrupt, dissolute, depraved. Miranda probably incited Maurice by describing St Austell’s sexual proclivities.’

‘Perish the thought. And what about that handkerchief you found in Wildtor Grange?’

John shook his head. ‘I don’t know. It seemed to me that it bore theatrical make-up of some kind.’

But there was no time for further conversation because Toby was clearing his throat importantly.

‘There is one additional mystery of which I am about to tell you. If anyone can throw light on it I would appreciate it if you spoke up. It’s just that on the night of the cliff fall which killed the Earl and the Countess, Mr Rawlings said there was somebody following him. And that is not all. A shot was fired over his head and into the cliff face thus causing the fatal occurrence. Now, do any of you know who this might have been?’

There was a stunned silence as — other than for Elizabeth — this was the first that anyone had heard of such a thing. Toby looked from face to face.

‘I see that it means nothing to any of you. And I take it you can all account for yourselves on that evening? To remind you, it was the night before the bodies were washed up. Mr James?’

‘I was with friends and we played cards till midnight. They can vouch for me.’

‘Miss Meakin?’

‘I was at home with poor Alan’s widow and babe. Besides, Clyst St Agnes is quite a good way away from Lady Sidmouth’s house. I would not risk prowling about at night on my own.’

‘I can speak for Felicity and myself. I sat beside her bed all night, occasionally dozing. But the slightest sound would have awakened me.’

Mr Perkins flushed crimson and announced, ‘I’m afraid that I was alone so nobody can verify my story. But I can assure you that the last thing I would have contemplated would be wandering along the cliff top in the late evening. I could have tripped and fallen below, you see.’

John spoke up. ‘I am sure, Toby, that it was nothing more than a common poacher. I think he fired at the cliffs to put me off the scent.’

Tobias was silent for a long moment, then said, ‘What you are saying makes total sense, of course. But still there is a question in my mind.’

John adopted his sincere look. ‘Well, that’s your line of business, Constable. To question everything.’

‘Yes, I suppose you are right.’ He turned to his assembled guests. ‘And that, ladies and gentlemen, concludes my business. May you all have a safe journey home. And to those of you that live in Exeter I hope to see you again soon. On a purely social occasion, let me hasten to assure you.’

They all trooped out into the night and waited while carriages and chairs were sent for. Tobias drew John to one side.

‘Lady Imogen is well.’

‘You have seen her?

‘Yes, I tracked them down. She is a happily married woman.’

‘Thank God for that,’ said John, and really meant every word he said.

The first carriages arrived and the guests parted company, all as merry as if they had been at a wedding feast and thankful that the whole wretched affair could finally be put behind them.

However, later that night, it being about nine of the clock, John slipped out of the house and took a carriage to Sidmouth House where, fortunately, he caught Milady just preparing to go upstairs to her bedroom.

‘Madam, I apologize for calling so late and so unexpectedly, but tomorrow I leave for London and I have something to give to you before I go.’

Lady Sidmouth peered at him. ‘Oh, and what might that be?’


And the Apothecary fished from his pocket a dried-out handkerchief which he handed to her. It was the one he had retrieved covered with tears and red dust and thrown into a basin of water, the one he had taken from Miranda. She looked at it.

‘I am afraid I don’t quite understand.’

‘Miranda gave it me. Well, not exactly gave. I lent her one of my own and she passed me this one in its place. I thought you might like to have it.’


‘Because she was your ward and your cousin.’

‘Miranda has thankfully gone to her grave and has slipped into my memory. I want nothing further to remind me of her.’

‘I understand,’ John answered.

‘Do you?’

‘Perfectly. Do you ever walk on the cliffs in the evening?’

She caught his eye, hers heavy lidded and secretive, his bright blue, and they regarded one another silently for a moment or two. ‘Sometimes,’ she said eventually.

‘Then you will know how dangerous it is to stroll on the tiny beach below.’

‘I would never dream of going there,’ she said. ‘You see there could be a rockfall at any time.’

‘The slightest noise could trigger one off,’ said John, still staring at her.

‘Indeed it could.’ She sighed and stood up. ‘And now, Mr Rawlings, you will have to forgive me. I really am very tired and I was on my way to bed when you called.’

She turned and threw the handkerchief on to the fire and John watched as the St Austell insignia went up in flames.

‘Goodbye,’ said Lady Sidmouth, but whether she was talking to him or to Miranda he was never afterwards sure.

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