“This takes my breath away,” LeGrand said. “What can I say?”
“Say — ten million francs?” Annabella suggested.
LeGrand looked at her stoically.
“We may bargain, mademoiselle, but I do not think we shall quarrel.”
“Well, shall I leave you to haggle?” Simon asked. “I’ll take a stroll in the garden.”
“Whatever you please, m’sieur,” LeGrand said.
“Stay if you like,” Annabella said simultaneously.
Their responses to his question were entirely automatic. Their consciousnesses were almost exclusively focused on the paintings and the deal to be made, and the Saint felt about as much a part of things as the bride’s brother along on a honeymoon. When he left the room they were already so absorbed in financial discussion that they did not even notice his departure.
He went out the front door of the house and sauntered across the drive to the Mercedes, where Kraus was engrossed in putting a final burnish on the mirror-like black shell.
“Wie geht’s, Hans?” he enquired sociably.
“Ganz gut, danke, mein Herr. And you?”
The chauffeur straightened his shoulders as he turned to answer. He wiped his moist forehead with the back of the hand which held the polishing cloth.
“Very well too,” Simon said.
“And there?” Hans Kraus asked in a quieter voice, with a tilt of his head toward the house.
He seemed to have become much friendlier to the Saint now that both the paintings and their owner had come through the night unscathed.
“They’re talking price.”
“He won’t cheat her?”
“Hans, you’re an incorrigibly suspicious man I’m afraid. LeGrand will drive a hard bargain, but he’s honest.”
The chauffeur’s face became ashamedly apologetic.
“You understand... how could I know these things?” he said. “She is only a young woman, with a great responsibility, and I cannot be of much help. I worry. I cannot help it.”
“Well, you won’t have to worry much longer,” Simon told him. “Once LeGrand has the paintings and your Fräulein has her money, the Lambrini household can relax indefinitely.”
“Will she have it soon?” Kraus asked. “It is all she has thought about for months. There has been almost no sleeping.”
“I think she’ll have it soon,” Simon assured him. “LeGrand was very impressed.”
“Let us fervently hope so,” Kraus said.
Simon left him and started to stroll across the lawn, wondering just how long the other parties who had been showing such an interest in Annabella’s art hoard were going to remain inactive. Then Annabella’s own voice called his name and he turned back to the house. She and LeGrand were standing at the front door.
“All finished?” the Saint asked as he rejoined them on the steps.
“We have agreed,” the art dealer said. “There is only for my colleague to see the paintings also. He is the only expert in France whose opinion I respect above my own. While I, of course, trust Mademoiselle Lambrini completely, the money involved in this transaction is not all mine, and it is necessary to have a confirmation of my judgment.”
Simon glanced at Annabella. She seemed untroubled by any misgivings, and apparently the price they had agreed on pleased her.
“Congratulations to both of you, then,” he said. “You won’t be needing me any more. Maybe Monsieur LeGrand would be kind enough to give me a ride back into Paris.”
“Oh, but I do need you!” Annabella exclaimed.
She took his arm as they followed LeGrand to his car.
“Monsieur LeGrand’s friend just called to say he has had car trouble on the road coming out here,” she said. “I need you for protection until he comes... and then of course I shall need you for the celebration.”
The Saint inclined his head gracefully.
“Where celebrations are concerned, my availability is unlimited.”
“As you like, monsieur,” LeGrand said. “You are welcome to ride with me.”
“Monsieur Templar will stay with me,” Annabella insisted. “You will be coming back to my house with the professor in any case, won’t you?”
LeGrand looked at his wrist watch and shook his head.
“Perhaps not. My wife does not care for managing my business very long. I had to leave her in charge while I drove out here. But I shall see that Professor Clarneau comes to see you as quickly as possible.”
“I must admit that I’m impatient,” Annabella said.
They walked to LeGrand’s car. He paused to shake hands before getting into the driver’s seat.
“It was a pleasure, mademoiselle,” he said to Annabella. “And an honor, monsieur.”
“It will be an even greater pleasure for me when our deal is completed,” Annabella said. “What about delivering the paintings... and the money?”
LeGrand laughed as he settled himself and closed the car door. He looked up with his elbow on the open window frame.
“I don’t blame you for being anxious, mademoiselle. My wife is already as anxious for me to sell the paintings so that she can have a certain fur coat that has monopolized her dreams for the past ten months or so.” He made one of his shrugging gestures. “Therefore our interests are parallel. If Professor Clarneau approves the paintings — or perhaps I should say, when Professor Clarneau approves the paintings — he will be able to hand you a check on the spot. He is my partner in this transaction, and the money is in our joint account, so that you can have your payment immediately, without my having to be around. I shall countersign the check when I meet him now, and he can take the paintings with him back to Paris in his station wagon. Is that good enough?”
“Very good,” Annabella said contentedly.
LeGrand winked at her as he started his car’s engine.
“Of course, you drove such a hard bargain that Clarneau may be shocked — but I trust you can charm him into being reconciled to the price.”
“Don’t even joke about such things!” Annabella remonstrated.
LeGrand was about to pull away when Simon asserted himself the dialogue for the first time.
“Monsieur LeGrand,” he said quietly. “Are you certain it was your friend who telephoned?”
LeGrand took his hand off the gear shift lever and his bushy eyebrows suddenly arched to an almost comical extreme.
“Of course it was. What do you mean?”
Annabella gave the Saint a ferocious look which clearly said, Simon, please shut up and don’t rock the boat! but he went ahead in spite of it.
“I mean that these characters who’ve been so busy trying to swipe Mademoiselle Lambrini’s worldly goods — not to mention Mademoiselle Lambrini — might just have decided to try another angle.”
Annabella’s beautiful red lips were compressed with exasperation, and LeGrand looked more impatient than worried.
“What angle?” he asked. “What would they have to do with Paul Clarneau? Are you suggesting that he... No. That is impossible. He has been my friend since we were boys!”
“I’m not suggesting anything — and certainly not that your chum Clarneau is a crook. I’m just wondering whether or not somebody might be using him as bait for a trap that you’re about to drive right into.”
LeGrand gave a nasal snorting laugh and shook his head as he put the car in gear.
“Apparently you read too many crime stories, Monsieur Templar — or live too many. You can’t believe an ordinary automobile breakdown when you hear about one.” He gunned the engine, then looked at the Saint again sardonically. “Of course if you would like to come along to protect me, or to protect Mademoiselle Lambrini’s interests...”
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