There was a fairly long silence then Maria said almost in a whisper: ‘The Chapate?’
‘None else. Complete, as you can now see, with olive branches and calling cards.’
Every native ashore was now armed or was in the process of getting armed. They carried spears, bows and arrows, blowpipes and machetes. The angry expressions on their faces went well with the menacing gesticulations in the direction of the island.
‘They’ll be calling soon,’ Hamilton said, ‘and not for tea. Maria, would you give Mr Silver a hand to fix up his face?’
Tracy said: ‘But we’re safe here, surely? We have guns, plenty. They’re carrying nothing that could penetrate our screens, far less the fuselage.’
‘True. Ramon, Navarro, get your rifles and come with me.’
Smith said: ‘What are you going to do?’
‘Discourage them. From crossing. Shame, really. They may not even know what a gun is.’
‘Tracy made sense,’ Smith said. ‘We’re safe here. You have to be a hero?’
Hamilton stared at him until Smith looked uncomfortable. Hamilton said: ‘Heroism doesn’t enter into it, just survival. I wonder whether you would be half-way brave enough to fight for your own survival. I suggest you leave this to someone who knows how the Chapate wage war. Or do you want to be ready for immediate consumption when they get you?’
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ Smith tried to sound blustery but his heart wasn’t in it, his ego had been too severely dented.
‘Just this. If they get as much as a foothold on this island the first thing they’ll do is to set fire to the undergrowth and roast you alive in this metal coffin.’
There was a silence that lasted until Hamilton, Ramon and Navarro had left the helicopter.
Ramon, the first to touch the ground, had his rifle on the nearest alligator immediately but the precaution proved needless: both alligators immediately turned and scuttled away into the undergrowth.
Hamilton said: ‘Just keep an eye on our backs, Ramon.’ Ramon nodded. Hamilton and Navarro moved towards the rear, took shelter behind the tail of the helicopter and looked cautiously ashore.
A squat, powerfully built Indian dressed in a pink feather headdress, teeth necklace, a series of arm bracelets and little else – definitely the chief – was ordering warriors into half-a-dozen canoes. He himself was standing on the bank.
Navarro looked at Hamilton, his reluctance plain. He said: ‘No choice?’
With equal regret Hamilton agreed, shaking his head. Navarro lifted his rifle, aimed and fired in one swift motion. The report of the rifle momentarily paralysed all activity on the bank. Only the chief moved: he cried out in pain and clutched his upper right arm. A second later, while the warriors were still immobilised in shock, another report was heard and another warrior struck in precisely the same place. Navarro was clearly a marksman of the most extraordinary accuracy.
Navarro said: ‘Not nice, Señor Hamilton.’
‘Not nice. As the old saying goes, it’s people like us who have made people like them what they are. But this is hardly the time and place to explain that to them.’
Ashore the warriors rapidly abandoned their canoes and ran for the shelter of their huts and the forest, taking the two wounded men with them. From those shelters they could be seen almost immediately drawing bows and lifting blowpipes to their mouths. Hamilton and Navarro prudently dropped behind cover as arrows and darts rattled and rebounded harmlessly off the fuselage. Navarro shook his head in sorrow and wonderment. ‘I’ll bet they’ve never even heard a rifle report before. It is something less than a fair contest, Señor Hamilton.’
Hamilton nodded, but made no comment for comment would have been superfluous. He said: ‘That’s all for now. I don’t think they’ll try anything again before dark. But I’ll keep watch – or arrange for others to do it. Meantime, you and Ramon get rid of our four-legged friends and the creepy-crawlies. Try to chase them away, shoo them away. If you have to shoot, for goodness’ sake don’t do it by the water’s edge or in the water. Bath-time tonight and I don’t want to attract every piranha for miles around.’
Hamilton reboarded the helicopter. Tracy said: ‘That was quite a hailstorm out there. Arrows and darts, I assume?’
‘Didn’t you see?’
‘I wasn’t too keen on looking. I’m sure those windows are made of toughened glass but I wasn’t going to be the one to put them to the test. Poisoned?’
‘Certainly. But, almost equally certainly, no curare, nothing lethal. They have a less final but equally effective poison that merely stuns. Too much curare affects the flavour of the stew.’
Smith said sourly: ‘You certainly have a summary way of dealing with the opposition.’
‘I should have parleyed with them? The brightly coloured beads approach? Why don’t you go and try it?’ Smith said nothing. ‘If you have any futile suggestions to offer, I suggest you either translate them into action or shut up. There’s a limit to the number of niggling remarks a man can take.’
Silver, his face bandaged, intervened pacifically. ‘And now?’
‘A lovely long siesta until dusk. For me, that is. I shall have to ask you to take turns in keeping watch. Not only the village, but as far upstream and downstream as you can see – the Chapate might contemplate launching a canoe attack at some distance from their village although I consider it highly unlikely. If anything happens, let me know. Ramon and Navarro should be back in twenty minutes; don’t bother letting me know.’
Tracy said: ‘You place a great deal of faith in your lieutenants.’
Smith said: ‘So we keep awake while you sleep. Why?’
‘Recharging my batteries for the night ahead.’
‘And then?’
Hamilton sighed. ‘This helicopter, obviously, will never be airborne again so we have to find some other means of rejoining the hovercraft, which I reckon must be about thirty miles downstream. We can’t go by land. It would take us days to hack our way down there and, anyway, the Chapate would get us before we covered a mile. We need a boat. So we’ll borrow one from the Chapate. There’s a nice, big and very ancient motor launch moored to the bank there. Not their property for a certainty: the original owners were probably eaten long ago. And the engine will be a solid block of rust and quite useless. But we don’t need power to go downstream.’
Tracy said: ‘And how do you propose we – ah – obtain this boat, Mr Hamilton?’
‘I’ll get it. After sunset.’ He smiled faintly. ‘That’s why I intend recharging my batteries in advance.’
Smith said: ‘You really do have to be a hero, Hamilton, don’t you?’
‘And you’ll really never learn, will you? No, I don’t have to be a hero. I don’t want to be a hero. You can go instead. You be the hero. Go on. Volunteer. Impress your girl-friend.’
Smith slowly unclenched his fists and turned away. Hamilton sat and appeared to compose himself for slumber, oblivious of the dead Heffner laid now across the aisle from him. The others looked at one another in silence.
It was many hours later, at dusk, when Hamilton said: ‘Everything packed? Guns, ammunition, last night’s overnight bags, food, water, medicines. And, Silver, the chopper’s two compasses might come in handy.’
Silver indicated a box by his feet. ‘They’re already in there.’
‘Excellent.’ Hamilton looked around him. ‘Well, that seems to be all. Heigh-ho, I think.’
‘What do you mean, that seems to be all?’ Smith said. He nodded towards the dead Heffner. ‘How about him?’
‘Well, how about him?’
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