Dinner that night was a rather odd affair. Not that there was anything odd about the food. Obviously, there wasn’t a cordon bleu chef within miles. The Dutch, taken by and large, are not gourmets. Your standard Dutch cook or housewife consider it a matter of personal pride and honour and an insult to their guests if they can see any part of the plate under the mound of food that covers it: the food was palatable enough but Michelin would not have come there a second time.
What was odd was the contrasting behaviour of the diners. Samuelson, Romero Agnelli, van Effen and George were in an expansive, genial and talkative mood. Daniken made an occasional contribution but was clearly no conversationalist. The Rev. Riordan, apart from delivering a lengthy and, in the circumstances, extremely hypocritical blessing before the meal, remained grave and thoughtful and totally silent throughout the meal: Riordan, van Effen reflected, if not quite deranged or demented, was totally detached from reality and possessed of an incredible naiveté. Leonardo was equally silent. He, too, was thinking, but only of his stomach: for a man of his diminutive stature, he was an awesome trencherman. They spoke only when spoken to, smiled but seldom and for the most part were remote and withdrawn to the point of being dispirited.
At one point van Effen said to Romero Agnelli: ‘And where’s our friend O’Brien tonight? He’s not down with the flu, I trust?’
‘O’Brien’s as fit as a fiddle. He’s elsewhere.’
Van Effen said: ‘Ah.’
Samuelson smiled. ‘You really are a singularly incurious person, Mr Danilov.’
‘Would it help any if I knew where he was or what he was doing?’
‘No. Romero has spoken to me several times about your need-to-know philosophy. It is one with which I am in entire agreement.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘Romero, it lacks one minute to eight o’clock.’
It was the same newscaster. He looked as if he had just heard that his entire family had been wiped out in an air crash.
‘We have here the latest communiqué from the FFF.’ He didn’t sound at all like a newsreader, he intoned the words like a minister delivering a funeral oration. ‘It is very brief and reads as follows: “We place no credence in the Ministry of Defence’s statement. We think the Dutch and British governments are either stalling or don’t believe in our threats. Or both. We do not intend to stall. We do intend to make them believe our threats. The dykes north and south of Lelystad will be breached a few minutes after midnight. The nuclear device in the Ijsselmeer will be detonated at 2 p.m. tomorrow. We beg you to believe that these two incidents will be regarded as the merest trifles compared to the disaster that will engulf the Netherlands within twenty-four hours of the detonation of the nuclear device.” That is the end of their communiqué.
‘We have also had a further statement from the Ministry of Defence. They say that they have no comment to make on this latest communiqué on the basis that there is no way that they can predict the irrational workings of the minds of terrorists.’ Samuelson clicked his tongue and shook his head sadly. ‘They say they are prepared to believe that the terrorists are insane enough to carry out their insane threats’ – more cluckings and shakings from Samuelson – ‘and can do no more than warn all local authorities to carry out all possible means of protection.
‘Netherlands experts and British nuclear scientists have agreed on the probable results of such a nuclear explosion. It is assumed that this will take place in the Markerwaard. If this device is located in or near the centre of the Markerwaard, the tsunami – the tidal wave – reaching the shores should be of minor proportions, averaging between sixty and seventy centimetres. Should it be placed close inshore the wave could be several times as high and the local results could be disastrous.
‘The nation will be immediately informed of any further developments.’
Agnelli switched off the set. Samuelson, half-smiling, looked at van Effen and said: ‘Do I detect just a trace of a half frown, Mr Danilov?’ Van Effen made no reply. ‘Romero has told me that you are prepared to react in an extremely violent form to any threat to the lives of your fellow citizens or, rather, to the citizens of your adopted country. Romero is of the opinion that you and your two friends are highly dangerous men. I concur. You are, I believe, heavily armed.’
Van Effen opened his jacket to demonstrate that he wasn’t carrying his shoulder-holstered Smith and Wesson, then turned to Agnelli, who was sitting next to him, crossed his knees and pulled up his right trouser leg to show that he wasn’t carrying his Lilliput either. ‘I do not consider guns as being an essential part of dressing for dinner. Do you think I would be so mad as to start a gun-fight in the company of four beautiful young ladies? Any ladies, come to that?’
‘No. My mistake. The nuclear device is in the Markerwaard but is located precisely in its centre. Do you believe me?’
‘If I had your unpleasantly suspicious mind I would say that I’d wait until five past two tomorrow afternoon to find out. As it happens, I believe you. Now, Mr Samuelson, you know that I do not normally probe into anyone’s affairs but I must confess to being just a little concerned about those nuclear devices. My two friends and I are acknowledged explosives experts but we know nothing about nuclear devices. We wouldn’t recognize one if we saw it, far less know how to arm it, activate it or deactivate it. But we do know they are nasty, jiggly and unpredictable things. I do know you have some on the premises, although I don’t know how many. What I do know is that I have a healthy regard for my own skin. I assume you’re transporting them elsewhere – they can be of no use to you here. I have no wish to be aboard whatever form of transportation is taking those devices from here to wherever elsewhere may be.’
Samuelson smiled. ‘Mr Daniken here shares your sentiments exactly.’
‘What has Mr Daniken got to do with it?’
‘Mr Daniken is our helicopter pilot. He doesn’t want to carry those things.’
‘I didn’t refuse to, Mr Samuelson,’ Daniken said. ‘I said I was highly reluctant because of the great risk involved. I agree with Mr Danilov. I don’t know how unstable or temperamental those damn things are. Flying conditions are atrocious, just on the limit. With an updraught or wind shear we can go up or down a hundred feet in two seconds. We could make a heavy landing, a crash landing or, heaven help us, just crash.’
‘You and Mr Danilov can relax. Should have mentioned it before, but we made our minds up just before dinner. No helicopter. We have decided to use the army truck with which Mr Danilov and his friends have so thoughtfully provided us. Those devices are quite small and can easily be concealed in what looks like a couple of extra long-range petrol tanks. We’ll have three men dressed in uniforms, Ylvisaker as a full-scale lieutenant-colonel, and the rest –’
‘Where did you get the uniforms?’ van Effen said.
‘I told you,’ Samuelson said patiently. ‘We’re making a war film. The rest of us go by helicopter.’
‘Must be some helicopter.’
‘A war film, I said. A gunship. The end of the Vietnam war caught the US Air Force on the hop and they had overproduced. Going for a song. Elderly but fully serviceable. Stripped of armament, of course, but we ordered dummies. I suggest we move to more comfortable chairs for our brandies, liqueurs or whatever.’
Van Effen said: ‘If I may be excused, I’d like to have a look at the Lieutenant.’
‘Give him my sympathies,’ Samuelson said. ‘I suggest he might appreciate another toddy.’
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