Byrne Rhonda - Hero (The Secret)

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Hero (The Secret): краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Imagine if there was a map that showed you how to get from where you are now to the most brilliant, rich, fulfilling, and dazzling life you could ever dream of having. Imagine that this map showed you every step of the journey to that life; realizing your greatest dream, how to find the way over obstacles, how to overcome challenges, defy the odds, and how you already have every powerful ability and quality you need to be victorious on your journey. You are holding in your hands such a map. This is the map for your life – this is the map to greatness. Twelve of the most successful people living in the world today have followed this map. They share their seemingly impossible journeys, and reveal that each of us was born with everything we need to live our greatest dream, and that by doing so we will fulfill our mission, find everlasting happiness, and literally change the world. This is why you are here on planet Earth.

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This is the story about why you are here on planet Earth.

There is something special about you. There is something you were born to be and do that not one of the other seven billion of us was. There is a life you are meant to live; there is a journey you are meant to take. This book is about that journey.

Twelve of the most successful people living in the world today share their seemingly impossible stories, and reveal that you were born with everything you need to live your greatest dream – and that by doing so you will fulfill your mission and literally change the world.

Once, there was a hero.


A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

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Copyright © 2013 by Making Good LLC. THE SECRET and The Secret logo are registered trademarks of TS Production Limited Liability Company.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, copied, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior written permission of Atria Books, except where permitted by law.

The information contained in this book is intended to be educational and not for diagnosis, prescription, or treatment of any health disorders or as a substitute for financial planning. This information should not replace consultation with a competent healthcare or financial professional. The content of this book is intended to be used as an adjunct to a rational and responsible program prescribed by a healthcare practitioner or financial professional. The author and publisher are in no way liable for any misuse of the material.

First Atria Books hardcover edition November 2013

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Artwork concept and art direction by Nic George for Making Good LLC.

Book layout and design by Gozer Media P/L (Australia),, directed by Making Good LLC.

Excerpt from ILLUSIONS: THE ADVENTURES OF A RELUCTANT MESSIAH by Richard Bach, copyright © 1977 by Richard Bach and Leslie Parrish-Bach. Used by permission of Delacorte Press, an imprint of The Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House LLC. All rights reserved.

Excerpts from COPY THIS! by Paul Orfalea, copyright © 2005 by The Orfalea Family Foundation. Used by permission of Workman Publishing Co., Inc., New York. All rights reserved.

Manufactured in the United States of America

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Library of Congress Control Number: 2013034709

ISBN: 978-1-4767-5859-6

“Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished. If you’re alive, it isn’t.”

Richard Bach


Dedicated to every hero








Part One: The Dream

The Call to Adventure

Refusal of the Call

Finding Your Dream

Follow Your Bliss

Part Two: The Hero



The Mind of a Hero

The Heart of a Hero

The Way of the Hero


Part Three: The Quest

The Labyrinth

Naysayers & Allies

The Road of Trials & Miracles

The Supreme Ordeal

Part Four: Victory

The Reward

A Life Worth Living

The Hero in You

Featured in Hero

Further Reading from Hero ’s Contributors

About the Author


Every new project involves a journey that begins with the seed of an idea and travels its own unique path until its final creation in the world. I love the thrill of the journey, with its unexpected twists and turns, surprises, excitement, and joy. But more than anything else, when I look back on the journey I have taken I am completely humbled by the number of incredible people who played a vital role in helping bring the project into the world. The journey of creating Hero was a joy from beginning to end, and I would like to acknowledge the following extraordinary people who made it possible for you to hold this special book in your hands:

Hero’ s contributors, who came from all over the world to inspire and uplift others through sharing their experiences and whom I had the immense honor and privilege to work with: Liz Murray, Peter Foyo, John Paul DeJoria, Anastasia Soare, Michael Acton Smith, Peter Burwash, Mastin Kipp, G. M. Rao, Pete Carroll, Laird Hamilton, Layne Beachley, and Paul Orfalea. Thank you for trusting in me, for unhesitatingly giving your precious time, and for seeing the vision and potential of Hero when it was just a seed of an idea.

The contributor’s wonderful assistants for their invaluable help. The amazing people working for the contributors’ foundations and charities; thank you for being a part of Hero and allowing us to highlight the great work you are doing. Special thanks to Mayra-Alejandra Garcia, Luca Carp, Bhuvana Chakravarthy, Jaime Davern, Megan McGrath, and Tamara Azar.

The Secret team members Skye Byrne and Paul Harrington, who worked closely with me in creating the structure of Hero , who undertook the enormous task of compiling the contributors’ words, and who provided genius insights throughout its creation. In addition, thanks to Skye, for her depth of understanding and brilliant editing of my writing; Hero would not be what it is without her editing.

Glenda Bell, who project managed Hero , and who not only brought the contributors to Hero but who managed the scheduling of interviews and liaised with all the contributors’ foundations, and Andrea Keir, who worked diligently side by side with Glenda to bring the perfect contributors to Hero . Thank you.

Jan Child, who is in charge of publishing for The Secret. Thank you for your encouragement, enthusiasm, and tireless work on Hero in uniting the publishing, graphics, and website teams from across the planet into a united creative force.

The creative director of The Secret, Nic George. Thank you for your magnificent drawing and original artwork for Hero , and for continually inspiring me with my writing to live up to your graphic work. To our graphics team at Gozer Media, Shamus Hoare and Anna Buys, thank you for your dedication and talent yet again.

My phenomenal publishing team at Atria Books and Simon & Schuster for their support of my books, of The Secret, and me. Thank you to Carolyn Reidy, Judith Curr, Dennis Eulau, Darlene DeLillo, my editor Sarah Branham for her guidance, Lisa Keim, Eileen Ahearn, Paul Olsewski, Jim Thiel, Daniella Wexler, and copyeditors Isolde Sauer and Kimberly Goldstein.

The Secret team members whom I am blessed to work with every day: Donald Zyck, Lori Sharapov, Mark O’Connor, Josh Gold, my personal assistant Jill Nelsen, Cori Johansing, Peter Byrne, Chye Lee, and Marcy Koltun-Crilley.

Our legal team at Greenburg Glusker: Bonnie Eskenazi and Aaron Moss. My eternal thanks to Brad Brian of Munger Tolles. To Laura Reeve and the team at our P.R. company, Edelman, thank you.

My dearest friends and family, who continue to support and inspire me in my work, and whose presence in my life I dearly cherish. Thank you. And to my wonderful parents – you were the absolute best.

My daughter Hayley, who teaches me to ask for answers beyond what is known in the material world, and her perfect creation, Savannah Byrne-Cronin. For their love and support, Kevin “Kid” McKemy, the beautiful Oku Den, Paul Cronin, and Angel Martin Velayos for his continual spiritual guidance and wisdom.

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