‘Oh, I see. I mean… Yes, I can imagine that it is.’
Harry came over to the table, hefting a small rubber ball in his palm. ‘I got it,’ he said. ‘I wanted the red one with the white swirls, and I got it. See?’ He opened out his palm to show it to Theo.
‘That’s obviously a very special one,’ Theo remarked. ‘Just see that it doesn’t roll about the floor and get in everybody’s way.’
It was already too late as he spoke. Harry gleefully tried out the ball for bounce-ability, and what followed was an excited chase to retrieve it from under the nearby tables.
Theo’s mouth set in a resigned expression. ‘Hold onto it, or I’ll look after it for you,’ he warned.
Turning back to Megan, he said thoughtfully, ‘I meant to ask how the man from the pub fared after his collapse. Did you manage to follow up on what happened to him?’
Megan nodded. ‘I did. The doctor who looked after him on admission to hospital has ordered tests, including a CT scan. We’ll know more in a day or so, but for the moment he’s comfortable.’
‘That’s something, anyway.’
The rubber ball was on the loose once more, and as quick as a flash Theo caught it, enclosing it in his palm.
‘I want to play with it,’ Harry said. ‘Can I have it back, please?’
Theo shook his head. ‘Not until we get home. People in here are sick, or upset because they’re visiting relatives who aren’t well. They don’t want to be having to duck out of the way of your ball every few seconds.’
Harry’s lip jutted in a belligerent fashion. ‘I’ll keep hold of it, I promise.’
‘No, you won’t. I’ll look after it until we get home.’
Harry opened his mouth to protest but thought better of it at the last moment. He turned his attention to Megan. ‘Do you work here?’ he asked.
She nodded. ‘I do, and actually I should be getting back to work right now. I have patients to see.’ She swallowed the last dregs of her coffee, and glanced across the table at Theo. ‘I expect you have things you need to be doing, as well.’
‘He said he would take me fishing,’ Harry said, nodding vigorously. ‘And we’re going to plant things in the garden so it’s nice for Mummy when she comes home, and then we’re going shopping to get me some new clothes.’
‘That sounds as though you have lots to look forward to,’ Megan acknowledged with a faint smile. Did his father not do any kind of work? For all he denied it, it sounded as though he must make some money from his paintings. Perhaps he was simply being modest about his talent, or maybe he was a man of independent means. Then again, he could simply be taking a vacation in order to take care of his son. Why was she even questioning how he came to be there or how he lived his life? What was it about him that provoked her curiosity?
‘I heard that you were looking for Mr Edwards,’ she said, looking directly at Theo as she stood up. ‘Last I saw of him, he was heading for his office. I gathered he would like to speak to you, too.’
Theo frowned, then nodded. ‘I’ll go and find him. Thank you for letting me know.’
‘You’re welcome.’ She sent the boy a quick smile. ‘’Bye, Harry. I hope your mother feels better soon.’
‘So do I,’ he said. ‘I don’t like my mum being poorly. I want her to be back home with me.’
‘Of course you do.’ Megan gave him a sympathetic smile. Any child would want his mother to be with him, wouldn’t he? Wasn’t it the most natural thing in the world to wish for? And yet it was the one yearning she had struggled with throughout her own life, that even now she found difficulty coming to terms with. Why was it that she had never experienced that particular joy? Was she so unlovable that her own mother had not wanted to stay around to be with her through her childhood?
‘Are you all right?’ Theo asked gently.
She gave a small start, coming out of her introspection to glance briefly at him. ‘Of course. I’m absolutely fine.’
Then she turned and hurried away quickly. She didn’t want Theo’s quiet concern. He stirred up all that had lain dormant inside her and her emotions were in turmoil, though for the life of her she couldn’t have said why.
She needed to escape.
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